The Story of Islam, the Noble Child, and His Father’s Guest – story for kids – Hala platform
The Story of Islam, the Noble Child, and His Father’s Guest

story for kids – Stories for children
This story is a product of the author’s imagination, but it is inspired by the story of Islam Al-Akwa, the Yemeni child who set an example of high morals in his companionship with his mother and his keenness on her comfort.
The story of Islam the Smart Child with the Guest

The Story of Islam –
Islam was a smart boy, and he was obedient to his mother and kind-hearted.
He always used to contemplate his mother as she sacrificed herself to make them happy, and he would stand every day in the living room watching her work tirelessly.
The story of Islam, the noble child, began in his early childhood when he was three years old. Islam often tried to help his mother, and when his father came home from outside, Islam would rush to help him carry the things he bought for the house.
One day, Islam’s father was visited by a dear guest.
Islam rushed to put the little basket in front of the guest.
The guest smiled at Islam’s kindness and did not realize the reason for his behavior.
During his conversation with Islam’s father, Islam noticed that he was not at all pleased, but he did not know the reason!
The guest continued talking to Islam’s father, and he was peeling nuts and throwing the shells on the floor of the guest room.
But Islam could not bear the sight, and he quickly rushed to clean up the shells and put them in the basket.

Story for kids – Stories for children
The guest smiled shyly.
Islam’s father laughed and said to him,
“It’s okay… take it easy.”
But Islam said angrily:
“How can he take it easy and throw the shells on the ground, that cause tiredness to my mother!”
The guest laughed out loud and realized that the child was angry at his behavior, which was indeed embarrassing.
He said to the beautiful little boy:
“Excuse me, little one… I made a mistake.”
Islam’s father tried to justify the situation, but the guest was happy with the beauty of Islam’s morals. He dealt with Islam’s criticism in a sporting spirit.
Islam returned to sitting in his place and said,
“I brought you the basket and put it in front of you, so why are you throwing the shells on the ground?”
The guest and Islam’s father laughed, and Islam’s father said,
“It seems that we have learned a lesson.”

stories for kids –
The lesson that the father taught his son Islam
The story of Islam was one of the stories that reflected the extent of tenderness and compassion in the heart of a little boy, especially if he was raised in a peaceful environment based on mutual respect.
The guest knew that little Islam did not come by his morals out of nowhere, but rather they are the result of a good upbringing and a good role model.
In the evening, the father hugged his son Islam and said to him tenderly:
“The guest’s behavior was wrong, my son, but we are patient with the mistakes of the guests, and this is one of the good morals.”
The little boy said in surprise:
“But my mother works hard all day cleaning the house, and I prepared a special basket for him… so why does he throw the shells on the ground?”
The father smiled and tried to explain the matter to his beautiful son Islam, saying:
“Yes, he was wrong, and we should not respond to wrong with wrong like it… agreed?”
Islam smiled a beautiful smile and said in agreement:
“Okay, Dad… I promise to respect the guest next time.”
The End
The story of Islam is written by \ Zubaida Shaab
The story of Islam is translated by\ Amal Ahmad
The Story of Islam and the Educational Goals

stories for kids – قصص اطفال بالانجليزي
We learn from the story of Islam Al-Akwa to appreciate our mothers and not leave the heavy burden on them alone.
We learn from the story of Islam that cooperation is the basis of a happy life.
We learn from the story of Islam that the child’s morals do not come suddenly, but rather as a result of a good upbringing and a healthy family environment.
We learn from the story of Islam that the guest should be respected even if he makes a mistake, and if Islam had not been young, he would not have expressed what made him angry.
We learn from the story of Islam that we should respect the homeowners who have hosted us and not mess with the cleanliness of their homes.
We learn from the story of Islam mercy, compassion, and tenderness, and that the most deserving of our mercy are our mothers.
We learn from the beautiful story of Islam that beautiful morals in children come with the mother’s awareness and the beauty of her soul.
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تستطيع البحث عنا بالكلمات المفتاحية التالية إذا كنت في الوطن العربي: قصص اطفال باللغة الانجليزية
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