The Story of Bully Qutquta and the Perfect Student’s Crown – story for kids
The Story of Bully Qutquta and the Perfect Student’s Crown

Hala stories
There once was a little kitten named Qutquta who lived with her family in the Happy Forest.
Qutquta was blessed with beautiful eyes, soft white fur, and a small, pretty mouth. She was always happy to hear compliments from her family and friends.
Qutquta knew that she was beautiful, and she began to feel that she was unique and unmatched among all the other cats.
She believed that her outer beauty gave her the right to act as she wanted and that everyone around her should obey her and show her loyalty.
After all, she was the beautiful, spoiled one!

Story for kids
Qutquta was extremely arrogant, and she spent most of her time looking in the mirror, admiring her own beauty.
She would appreciate her beautiful eyes, her soft white fur, and her small, pretty mouth. She says to herself:
‘The prettiest pretty is Qutquta, who can compete with me in the softness of my hair, the color of my unique eyes, my gracefulness and lightness,
If there were justice in this forest, I would be a crowned queen now, but the inhabitants of the forest do not appreciate beauty”
Then she takes her bag and sets off for her school. In the schoolyard, although she arrives late, she insists on standing at the front of the line and argues with her classmates about it!
The Story of Bully Qutquta Who Hurts Everyone

story for kids
During break time, instead of eating their food peacefully, Qutquta was wandering around the yard, bullying the other students, and making jokes and laughing.
One of them called out to a rabbit and said,
“Why are your teeth so long and protruding? If I had teeth like yours, I would never laugh again, because I would be embarrassed to open my mouth even to speak.”

story for kids
Qutquta then looked down at a turtle and said with a laugh,
“Why are you so pale green and walking so slowly? Do you need some vitamins? Or has eating too many vegetables turned you green and slow?”

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As she passed by a mouse named Fafoura, she laughed mockingly and said,
“Everyone has one flaw, but Fafoura has all the flaws. His gray color is undesirable, his teeth are big and not up to standard, and his ears are big and out of proportion with her face.”
Qutquta could not see anything in anyone but flaws, and she did not realize that her words were breaking and hurting hearts.
In addition to looking, she went on to criticize and scold, laughing in mockery.
She even made fun of the teachers’ clothes and imitated their way of speaking.

Hala stories
She called the school principal, Flavilo,
“the fat principal with the long nose. He hears everything we say because his ears look like satellite dishes.”
Qutquta never realized that teachers should be respected, obeyed, and appreciated not belittled.
Qutquta thought that criticizing and bullying others would make everyone see her beauty and know her worth.
She thinks that mocking and belittling others will make everyone see her beauty and appreciate it.
But she was wrong in her behavior and hurtful words, so everyone stayed away from her and they disappeared one by one from being around her.
After all, who would love to be around a rude, long-tongued classmate who only knows how to turn their features into flaws?
Qutquta felt ostracized, and instead of correcting her behavior, she justified it by saying:
“Jealousy of me and my beauty made them unable to sit with me.”
The Story of Bully Qutquta and the School Party

English story – قصص اطفال باللغة الانجليزية
The school administration announced a school party to celebrate the end of the first semester.
The school principal, Mr. Flavilo, decided to honor the outstanding students and give them certificates, as well as two gold crowns for the ideal student and the ideal female student.
The principal announced that the selection of the ideal student would be based on the nomination of the teachers.
Qutquta kept telling herself that she would get the title of ideal student and said to herself:
“No one can compete with me in this position. They are all flawed and their beauty cannot be compared to mine. Therefore, I am the most deserving of this honor.”
On the morning of the party, she wore the most beautiful clothes and took great care in putting on hair ties and coordinating the colors.

English story – قصص اطفال باللغة الانجليزية
She told her mother that the crown of the ideal student was her right and that she would return with it at the end of the day.
Qutquta was watching the events of the party, and when the time came for the honoring and the announcement of the name of the student who would get the crown of the ideal student, Qutquta stood up with pride and a haughty look.
But she was surprised that the crown, as the teachers agreed, was the right of the student monkey Qurhda bint Maimoun.

English story – قصص اطفال باللغة الانجليزية
Qutquta felt shy, especially when everyone laughed at the expressions on her face when the principal announced the student’s name and it was not her name.
She felt very angry and said in anger:
“What beauty is in a monkey! And what an ideal she is ugly in appearance and not even smart.”
Bunny heard her words and replied:
“Why are you talking nonsense? The monkey is the most deserving of the honorees.
She is kind and friendly, helps everyone, respects the elders, and sympathizes with the young.
She even won everyone’s hearts with her politeness.
Didn’t you hear the warm applause that followed the announcement of her name?”
The Story of Bully Qutquta After She Learning the Lesson

Stories for kids – قصص اطفال بالانجليزي
Qutquta returned home crying and complaining to her mother.
Her mother asked her, rebuking her:
“Why are you crying? Now you have reaped the fruit of what you were planting. God created everyone, and no creature has the right to criticize the creation of the Creator.”
Qutquta was shocked by her mother’s words, but her mother added:
“We are all equal, loving brothers and sisters. We have no right to bully and break hearts and think that this is kindness. This is a flawed behavior, my dear Qutquta. The beauty of appearance, if not accompanied by the beauty of soul and morals, is worthless.”
Here, Qutquta realized her mistake and decided not to bully anymore. The next day, Qutquta apologized to everyone and congratulated Monkey as well as wished her success.
And from that day on, Qutquta changed her speech, understood the lesson, and stopped bullying.
In conclusion, my little friends, we have no right to bully our colleagues because we are all equal. Bullying is also a despicable behavior that makes people feel embarrassed and upset.
Stay kind.
The end
The story is written by\ Asma Khshaba.
The story is translated by\ Amal Ahmad.
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