The Story of the Hero Yousef and the Cat – stories for kids – Hala Stories
The Story of the Hero Yousef and the Cat

stories for kids bedtime
Yousef is eight years old. He loves his mother and father more than anyone else. Yousef is an obedient son to his mother and is also kind-hearted.
One day, the hero Yousef went up to the roof of their house to bring something for his mother from the roof of the building.
Yousef loved cats and never hurt them or thought of harming any cat.
Yousef the hero saw a cat stuck on the roof and couldn’t get back because someone had closed the roof door on it after it climbed up.
Yousef opened the door for it to go down, but it was afraid of Yousef and didn’t dare go down.
Yousef the hero understood that the little cat was afraid of him, so he decided to go.
Yousef went to the corner of the roof and left the door open for it. The cat headed towards the door with great caution, looking at Yousef.
The Story of the Hero Yousef and the Cat on the stairs

English story
The cat was afraid that Yousef would pounce on it and grab it like the mischievous children do with cats. But Yousef the hero turned his back on it to reassure it and make sure it was safe.
The cat hurried out of the roof door and headed down the stairs of the building to the street. Yousef quickly returned to his apartment. But the cat found the door to the lower building closed, so it kept meowing very loudly.

story for kids
Yousef the hero heard it and realized that the cat was trapped and couldn’t get out of the building.
He thought for a moment about how to get the cat out without scaring it, and a clever idea came to mind.
The Story of the Hero Yousef and How He Saves the Cat

short story
Yousef went upstairs and closed the door to the roof of the building. Then he asked his beautiful sister Rahaf to stand in the middle of the stairs to prevent the cat if it tried to go up.

short story
The beautiful girl Rahaf stood on the stairs, not to scare the cat, but to help it get out of the building.
Then the clever Yousef went down. The cat saw him and started to meow. It went to a corner of the stairs, afraid that Yousef would catch it. But Yousef knocked on the door of the apartment on the first floor.
When his neighbor opened the door for him, he entered the apartment and went out of its back door, which overlooked the courtyard.
Yousef quickly crossed the courtyard to the door of the building where the cat was trapped.
He opened the door slowly and then returned from where he came, to his neighbor’s apartment on the first floor.

short story
At first, the cat was scared and tried to escape upstairs. But it found the beautiful girl Rahaf standing smiling in the middle of the stairs.
So the cat quickly returned downstairs and found the door open and no one next to it.
The beautiful white cat quickly ran outside. Yousef the hero came out of his neighbor’s apartment and closed the door.
He said quietly:
“Thank God she is back to her life without fear.”
A few days later, the cat started visiting the building again, looking for food without any fear. She knew that Yusuf the hero was a good boy who did not hurt cats. Yousef and the cat became friends.

English story
Yousef made a shirt for the cat that looked like his own and named her Nono. He also printed a picture of Nono on his shirt. The story of Yousef ended with the friendship between Yousef and the beautiful white cat.
The Story of the Hero Yousef is written by \ Zubaida shaab
The Story of the Hero Yousef is translated By \ Amal Ahmad
The Story of the Hero Yousef and Educational Goals
1- Kindness to animals is a trait of our noble prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace.
2- The story of Yousef teaches us how to deal with frightened animals.
3- The story of Yousef teaches us that friendship with cats does not mean imprisoning them.
4- The story of Yousef teaches us how to deal with scared animals.
5- The story also teaches us how to act wisely to get what we want.
6- A cat feels safe with kind children and runs away from mischievous children.
The Story of the Hero Yousef and Activities for Teachers and Educators
1-Educators should raise their children on the qualities of kindness and gentleness.
2-Use the story of Yousef as a radio activity entitled “Kindness to Animals”.
3-Connect the story of Yousef and the cat with the teachings of the true religion and compare between:
A- The woman who imprisoned her cat and Almighty God was angry with her.
B-And the companion Abu Hurairah who was kind to cats and the Prophet Muhammad loved him.
This story is inspired by the beautiful child Yousef Al-Khayati, who treated the cat kindly and did not want to imprison it.
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