اخر تحديث October 2, 2024 by Hala Stories

Ellen’s story – Ellen Adel


Ellen's story .This story is presented by Hala Children’s Stories platform and is suitable for ages 4-8

    Ellen’s story

Ellen’s story is inspired by the author’s imagination, which it also inspired by the beautiful Yemeni child Ellen Adel. The meaning of kindness and tenderness have taper in this child since her childhood, so Hala platform decided to publish a story for her to reflect to our loved ones the amount of love that parents and society feel for good children like Ellen Adel.

Ellen’s story-At the Restaurant


Ellen's story This story is presented by Hala Children’s Stories platform and is suitable for ages 4-8

      At the restaurant

One day, Ellen’s family went out to a restaurant to have lunch together, picnic and change the atmosphere of the house.  Ellen was still young, but she loved success and loved to study a lot.

Ellen’s mother felt that Ellen was behaving abnormally that the mother got confused, so she asked her daughter:
“Is there something wrong! ” The child waved her head as if to say no!
The mother asked her again: “Did you like the food, little one?”
Ellen shook her head as if to say yes!

The mother is even more confused as she sees her little girl uncomfortable and unhappy!
She asked her again a one last question: “Why do I feel like you’re not having fun?”

Ellen’s story – Sad Ellen

Ellen's story

stories for kids

Ellen looked at her mom and her eyes filled with tears!  The mother hurried up, got up from her place, sat down, hugged her daughter, and then began to inquire about why she was sad:
“What’s wrong with you, little girl?”

Ellen hesitated, she didn’t mean to worry her mother, but she wiped her tears and said: “I have an oral exam tomorrow and I don’t like my grades to be dropped”
The mother laughed a lot and addressed her with tenderness and admiration: “Don’t worry, we’ll finish our lunch and go home to review all your lessons.”

Ellen said sadly: “But I can’t help you mama with something today!”
The mother laughed a lot and then reassured the child, saying: “Don’t worry, baby, I’m going to collect the toys and arrange them in the box for you today.”
Ellen was grateful and kissed her mother on the cheek.

Since the age of five, Ellen loved to help her mother with simple chores, and with the days Ellen started doing small chores with her mother. She started taking care of her brother Zain, arranging his clothes and preparing school sandwiches for him.

Ellen’s story – On the bus

Ellen's story

sories for kids

One day, Ellen arranged and prepared Zain’s uniform to take him to school. Zain was in the first grade of primary school and Ellen was in the third grade. Ellen was very young, but she bore the responsibility of her brother Zain. She had a big heart, loved and sympathized with her mother, and never liked to see her get tired.

When the school bus arrived, Ellen made her brother goes up first to choose the chair that would comfort him before her. Zain went up and chose one of the chairs in front, but another student sat on it before.

Ellen’s story -Zain’s crying
Ellen's story - kid's stories

story for kids

Zayn sat on the next chair! Zayn started crying and little Ellen was confused whether to force the other baby to get up and cry too, or leave him. While Zain kept crying, she approached Zain and wiped his tears with a small handkerchief that was in her hand meanwhile the bus driver watched her act with admiration!.  He has never seen a little girl with such intellect and intelligence.

  Ellen told Zain: “Well Zizo, how about you sit on your sister’s lap and eat a piece of chocolate!” Zain was happy with the offer and the little girl sat down and took out a piece of delicious chocolate that she had bought from her pocket and handed it to him. Then she sat on the chair and hugged Zain and the bus moved.

The owner of the bus continued to admire her, and when she returned home, he found her mother waiting for her, and he told her: “I have never seen a child as intelligent as your daughter, may God protect her and take care of her”.
The mother was happy with what she heard. She took her children home. Finally, Ellen became for her mother after growing up as a mother and friend, so her mother loved her very much.

Ellen’s story is written by / Zubaida Shaab
Ellen’s story is translated by/ Bushra Al-Shareef

Children’s Stories – kid’s stories – from Hala stories

Click here to read the story of Zahra's story