I am the Middle child Story
I am the Middle child Story

Reading Rockets – Hala Stories
Hi, I’m Emad. If you are the middle child, my story is definitely relevant to you. It all started six years ago, when my mum gave birth to my younger sister Sala.
I was her second and last child, and my mum was afraid of me and spoilt me a lot, and my dad was also very kind to me all the time. Although they treated my older brother Nadim with a lot of respect and relied on him for many things, it didn’t matter to me at all. The respect and trust given to my brother Nadim was reciprocated with pampering, gentleness and comfort for me.
It made me feel privileged, comfortable, loved and included. When I was seven years old, my parents decided to have another child. I still remember my mother’s conversation with my father that day:
‘I can’t wait to have a little girl who will be my friend in this life and fill our house with happiness and beauty.’
At first, I thought it would be interesting and beautiful to have a beautiful little girl in the house. But my father was against the idea and replied:
‘How do you know it’s going to be a girl, maybe God will give us a third son.’
My mum said she was content with what God would bring. When my mum’s due date came, I was very scared for her. I felt that this child that had come into our family had taken away her health and tired her out. To be honest with myself and with you, my friends:
‘I felt that she was preoccupied with the pregnancy and the upcoming baby and did not pamper me as she used to.’
My father came back from the hospital with a happy and cheerful face and my mum holding a little girl. Everyone was happy and gathered around my mum and looked at the little creature. Everyone was gazing at her and expressing their feelings. Some say she looks like my mum and some say she looks like my dad.
Everyone is paying attention to her and I’m circling around them, trying to find a place to enter my mum, but I can’t find a single loophole. Everyone is completely ignoring me, everyone is giving smiles to my new sister, Sala. Which, to me, is not Sala at all.
I don’t know, but as happy as I was with this little creature that was introduced to our family, I could feel the sadness gnawing at my bones from the inside and gradually stealing my happiness away.
I am the middle child story and the comparison

Reading Rockets – Hala Stories
One day, my mum was busy cooking while my sister Sala was on my dad’s lap. She was beautiful and was looking at what I was doing and laughing. I felt happy and tried to do more funny things to make her laugh. I started jumping from place to place and my sister was laughing so hard. But my father didn’t like it and yelled at me very loudly and kicked me out of the room:
‘Go out and play in your room and let me watch the game quietly.’
I felt something that broke my heart, my sister Sala was stealing absolutely everything from me. I stood near the kitchen looking at my mum, waiting for her to call me as usual and sit me down at the kitchen table and talk to me, but she was cooking in a hurry because she wanted to feed my sister and take her to bed to sleep!
The whole house revolves around Sala, the whole house works for Sala!
My mum suddenly turned around and called my brother Emad and I ran towards her:
‘What do you want? I’m going to buy what you want.’

Storyline Online – Reading Rockets
She replied nervously:
‘This is not your time, sit in your room and revise your lessons.’
She went to Imad and asked him to go quickly and bring her some salt from the grocery store. What about me?
I asked this question over and over again. What about me!
I haven’t received any attention from my mum and dad since this girl came to this house. I don’t know what I was feeling, but I really didn’t like her at all. My parents were divided between my older brother Nadim, who was their right-hand man and their first assistant, and this little abomination who stole all the tenderness, pampering, toys and time from me.
I was no longer of any importance and I became zero on the left and felt like I didn’t belong in this busy family. I came up with many ways to get attention, such as calling in sick, neglecting my lessons, beating up my classmates, and being lazy to go to school.
I used to feel like I was getting a little attention. But my mother started complaining about my behaviour and complaining to her friends and the women in the family! My father beat me and my life became really miserable!
I am the middle child story and the trap

Storyline Online – Hala Stories
I didn’t realise at the time that I was trapped in the trap of jealousy and that I was the one who brought all this cruelty and suffering upon myself. All I could understand was that this little creature had stolen my happiness and all the love that surrounded me. I hated her with a passion and hoped to never see her again in the house.
One day, my mother became very ill and my father had to take her to the hospital. My brother Nadim and I stayed at home after my father asked us to look after Sala and take care of her. Nadim asked me to take care of her while he went to buy something to eat. Sala was very scared and was crying and looking for my mum.
I had a strong urge to hit her and take the opportunity to hurt her when no one was around. I approached her while she was crying and she ran and hugged me tightly and stopped crying. Sala was feeling safe next to me and waiting for me to contain her with love and tenderness!
I felt mixed and strange feelings at the time:
‘I should give her love, safety and care, not do something cruel to her’
I cuddled her with love and started feeding her. She felt safe with me and kept laughing at me until she fell asleep like an angel in my arms!
Oh my God, how stupid I was!
She is small and innocent and needs so much care and attention. She needs to be fed, cleaned, petted and contained all the time. My mum used to do all that and she certainly did it with me when I was little.
I went into a state of silence, confusion and estrangement. This went on for days on end until my teacher at school noticed and realised that something was wrong at home.
At recess, she asked me to talk to me for a while. I don’t know why I burst into tears and spoke with all the sadness in my heart. Everything that was happening to me was because of this creature called Sala!
I am the middle child story and the moment of realisation

Storytime – Storyline Online
I realised how cruel I had been to myself when I chose the wrong way of thinking and thought I would live selflessly with those destructive thoughts.
My thoughts that took me down a destructive path for me and those around me, made me unhappy and confused those around me. Yes, I discovered that my way of thinking and my feeling of being a victim made me hate those around me, feel wronged by them, and cause them a lot of trouble instead of cooperating with them and taking responsibility!
I knew then that all these behaviours were a reaction to my harassing behaviour at home and my objection to the presence of this innocent angel in our lives. It was a subtle objection, but they understood.
I knew that my role should have been better, that I could have been the main shadow in the family box, looking after my sister and helping my mum. I could have a new kind of privilege that would contribute to my maturity and personal development instead of being a comparative rival trying to put things back the way they used to be!
Now, I have to apologise to myself for having really drowned her in victim consciousness and convinced her of the marginalisation of her presence in the family. I have to recognise my real and different role in life and play it with merit, strength, contentment and happiness to be happy and make everyone around me happy.
And to make everyone around me happy. ….
I hope that the story of I am the middle son has given you the opportunity to think again and review your family and family accounts again, dear children… Life is constantly changing and our roles in it are also constantly changing… We have to realise this to save ourselves from falling into the exhausting victim consciousness for you and your family.
written and translated by:
Zubaida Shaab
Short Message: “I am the Middle child story was written for that one who feel that no one love him in the house”
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