Iyad Aristotle – story for children – 9-12 age – educational stories – Hala platform
Iyad Aristotle with the bird

قIyad Aristotleصة اياد الطفل مع العصفور
Iyad the Child with the Extraordinary Sense. lyad is nine years old boy who is possessed an extraordinary sense that either he or his parents have discovered yet.
He often finds himself in strange situations that he cannot explain or understand, but he believes they are just coincidences.
Iyad often loses focus in class and his teachers complain to his father, writing in his follow-up notebook that he is often absent-minded.
His father worries about him, fearing that he is weak and lacks understanding. However, he loves him so much and he always tries to encourage
lyad is a brave boy with an extraordinary sense that either his teacher or his father realizes.
His young mind can analyze all the situations around him and turn them into a result that only he understands.
One day, on his way to school, lyad notices s sparrow flying from tree to tree, as if a Calling out to passersby.
It chirps loudly as if beckoning him.

Iyad Aristotle
Iyad rushes to it, puts his bag down next to the tree, and starts examining the area. He sees a large, hungry cat trying to climb into the sparrow’s nest.
lyad quickly grabs the cat, hugs it, picks up his bag, and continues towards the school, then releases the cat far away from the sparrow’s nest.
Iyad feels happy for saving the beautiful sparrow and enters his school smiling, pleased with his accomplishment.
Mr. Nabil, the Science Teacher.
Mr. Nabil, the science teacher, is standing up explaining the lesson, excited and engaging the children with his valuable information.However, Iyad is calm, carefully listening to every word the teacher says, unlike the other children who are moving around a lot.
Iyad is extremely focused, trying to understand everything around him. The teacher is explaining the difference between reptiles and birds.
He shows a picture of a snake on the electronic whiteboard and asks the students:
“Does this creature fly or crawl?”
All the students answer in unison:
But Iyad remains silent, lost in thought, then begins to mutter softly:
The teacher notices that lyad is not repeating the correct answer with the other students, so he asks him to stand up and then asks him in
“Does a snake fly, lyad?!”
Iyad with his science teacher, Nabil, in class

story for children
lyad feels shy and he perplexedly answers:
“The snake crawls, sir.”
“But do you have a sparrow in your house,sir?”
The teacher looks at him in amazement,wondering how he knew that. He asks in surprise:
“Was my sparrow visible on the screen,lyad?”
lyad answers:
“No, but there is a small yellow feather stuck on your jacket, Mr. Nabil.”
Mr. Nabil is an intelligent teacher, but he cannot understand lyad’s mental abilities or his condition.
He frowns and looks at lyad sternly, saying:
“Focus on the lesson, Aristotle.”

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All the students laugh at lyad and make mock him.
Iyad feels sad as he hears them whispering to each other while laughing:
“Aristotle.. Aristotle..”
When lyad leaves school, the boys call him that name from everywhere.
His friend, who sits with him on the same chair, laughs and calls him:
“Aristotle.. Where are you going alone,Aristotle?”
Iyad wipes his tears with his sleeve, sad, and pushes his friend away from him, running home.
Iyad Aristotle with his mother

Iyad Aristotle
When lyad arrives, he is smiling and does not tell his mother what happened.
He runs straight to the kitchen and takes a look at the food.
His mother enters and says:
“Iyad, my love, go and change your clothes, and then come and have lunch with me.”
It was study time, and lyad was used to reviewing his lessons on the balcony of the house away from the noise of the TV.
Iyad entered the balcony and took out his books on the table.
His mother came in and put a glass of milk with banana, a bottle of water, and a box of tissues in front of him and said:
“Try to solve the math homework by yourself If you find any difficulty, call me to help you.”
Then lyad began to drink the milk with banana slowly and review his homework.
His mother Sarah entered again and tried to talk to him, but he looked at her with a
contemplative look and then asked her:
“Did you go yourself today to buy vegetables?”
The mother laughed and answered with a smile:
“Yes…but how did you know, little Aristotle?”
Iyad’s features changed and he looked sad and said:
“Even you call me Aristotle!”
His mother replied:
“Is there anyone else who called you by that name?”
lyad told her what happened at school with his teacher Nabil and his classmates, so the mother laughed and said reassuring him:
“Aristotle was a brilliant philosopher, Iyad, and he is the one who invented mathematics”
Iyad smiled and liked the name and stood up celebrating himself:
“Yes, my mother, I am Aristotle.”
Iyad’s mother hugged him with tenderness and then asked him:
“Tell me, Aristotle, how did you know that I went out to buy vegetables by myself today?”
lyad took the cup of milk and drank it all at once, then wiped the remaining milk on his
mouth with the tissue and answered her:
“The vegetables and fruits that my father buys are not fresh. When I entered the kitchen, I noticed that the food was fresh.”
The mother laughed a lot because she realized that her son lyad is not stupid, but rather very focused and he has the ability to deduce . She realized that he can learn through observation and his mind is very intelligent, which is what sometimes distracts him from the lesson.

Iyad Aristotle
So she advised him, saying:
“My son, focusing on everything is a strong talent that God has given you. Try to control it and focus on the lesson in class.”
The genius Iyad smiled and shook his head,saying:
“Okay, my mother, I will try to control my focus, I promise.
Sarah used to be very sad when lyad got low marks in some subjects, but she didn’t care anymore. She knew that she had given birth to the intelligent Aristotle and gave him her full confidence. She started to encourage him strongly, believing that he would become something
great in the future.
As for Iyad, he came to love the name Aristotle and no longer felt sad when someone called him by that name. He cherished it dearly.
When lyad grew up, he became a brilliant professor at the university, specializing in teaching aerospace engineering to university students.
The story of Iyad Aristotle is written by Yemeni writer:
Zubaida Shaab
ِِAnd translated by:
Amal Ahmad
(( This story shows the importance of observation and deduction skills, and how they can help us learn and understand the world around us. It also highlights the importance of parental support and encouragement in helping children develop their talents and abilities.))
Educational objectives of the story of Iyad Aristotle
• The blessing of focus is a great gift from God.
• The story of Iyad teaches us to control our focus and not to be distracted by other things.
• The story of Iyad teaches us that intelligence is not only determined by test scores.
• It is important to focus on the main goal in the classroom, which is the lesson.
points for the Teacher from “Hala Platform for Children’s Stories” from the story of Iyad
• Do not give students annoying nicknames because such nicknames will stay with them forever.
Try to choose good nicknames that have the power to encourage them and let them know their worth.
• Sometimes a student’s attention is distracted by other things, so do not rush to judge them as having poor concentration.
• Try to use all the attention-getters with students to ensure that you are the most important focus in the classroom.
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Hala platform – stories – story for children -Iyad Aristotle
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