Stories that Inspire – Teaching Children the Value of Empathy, Friendship
Stories that Inspire – Teaching Children the Value of Friendship

Stories that Inspire
Once upon a time, in a sunny farm, there lived a crow named Croaky. Croaky loved to play with his friends and family, but one day, he had a big argument with them.
“You’re always so noisy!” said his tribe. “We don’t want you here anymore!”
Croaky was very sad. He packed his bags and said goodbye to his home. As he walked away, he saw a big, old palm tree standing alone at the end of the farm. The palm tree looked very dry and yellow.

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“Ha! Nobody takes care of you, do they?” said Croaky to the palm tree. “You’re just like me, all alone and forgotten!”
But little did Croaky know, the palm tree had a surprise in store for him. As the days went by, the palm tree started to turn golden! It was a beautiful sight to see.
Croaky had an idea. He went back to his tribe and said, “Hey, guys! Guess what? I’ve become a king, and I have a magical golden palm tree all to myself!”
His tribe didn’t believe him, of course. “Yeah, right!” they said. “We don’t believe you, Croaky!”

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But Croaky insisted, “Come and see for yourself! Follow me!”
So, the tribe followed Croaky to the old palm tree. When they saw it, they gasped in amazement.
“Wow! It’s really golden!” they said.
The tribe begged Croaky to let them live with him on the golden palm tree. Croaky thought for a moment and then said, “Okay, but you have to promise to obey me and say sorry for kicking me out!”
The tribe agreed, and they all made their nests on the dry palm tree. Croaky smiled and said, “I’ll let you live here, but I’m going back to the green farm. It’s where I belong!”

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Croaky returned to the farm, but nobody recognised him. He looked different, and his feathers were shiny and new. He settled back into his old home, happy to be back with his family and friends.
From that day on, Croaky lived a happy and peaceful life on the green farm. He would often visit his tribe on the dry palm tree, and they would all play together under the warm sunshine.
The author’s message:
“Hey kids! You know how sometimes we might not get along with someone or might not like something about them? Well, the important thing to remember is that everyone deserves to be treated kindly and respected, no matter what.
We can’t just say, ‘I don’t like you, so you have to leave!’ That’s not fair. Instead, we should try to understand and appreciate each other’s differences.
Think about it like a big puzzle. We’re all different pieces, but when we fit together, we create something beautiful! So, let’s all try to be kind, accepting, and respectful of each other, okay?”
♥Zubaida Shaab♥
Stories that Inspire – Teaching Children the Value of Empathy

قصص اطفال بالانجليزي
Once upon a time, in a sunny orchard filled with juicy apples and sweet cherries, a family went camping. The little girl, Emily, was so excited to explore the beautiful orchard. She ran around, playing tag with her brother and laughing with her parents.
As they set up their tent, Emily noticed something amazing. Colourful butterflies flitted about, sipping nectar from the flowers. Emily squealed with delight and chased after them.
“Mommy, Mommy! Look! Butterflies!” Emily exclaimed.
Her mom smiled and said, “Yes, sweetie, aren’t they beautiful?”
But the butterflies were afraid of Emily. They fluttered away, trying to escape her grasping hands.
One brave butterfly, whose wings shimmered like the brightest blue, landed on a nearby flower. Emily spotted her and reached out to grab her.
But to Emily’s surprise, the butterfly spoke to her!

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“Please don’t catch me, little one,” said the butterfly. “I don’t like being hurt.”
Emily’s eyes widened in amazement. “Wow! You can talk!”
The butterfly nodded. “Yes, I can. And I want to ask you something. Why do you want to hurt me?”
Emily thought for a moment. “I don’t want to hurt you. I just like you!”
The butterfly smiled gently. “Not everything we like must be owned, little one. Just because you like something doesn’t mean you have to catch it or keep it.”
Emily looked puzzled. “But why not? I want to play with you!”
The butterfly chuckled. “Let me ask you something. Would you like it if I took your beautiful eyes and played with them?”
Emily’s face scrunched up in distaste. “Ewww, no! That would hurt!”
The butterfly nodded. “Exactly! Just like it would hurt me if you caught me and kept me in a jar. We must respect each other’s boundaries and not try to own everything we like.”
Emily thought about this for a moment. She looked up at her mom, who was watching with a warm smile.
“Mommy, the butterfly is talking to me!” Emily exclaimed.
Her mom nodded. “That’s wonderful, sweetie! What is the butterfly saying?”
Emily told her mom about the conversation, and her mom nodded wisely.
“You know, Emily, the butterfly is right. We must respect all living creatures and not try to own them. Why don’t you go back and apologize to the butterfly, and then you can play with her in a way that doesn’t hurt her?”
Emily nodded eagerly and ran back to the butterfly.
“I’m sorry, butterfly!” Emily said, looking up at her with big, apologetic eyes. “I won’t try to catch you anymore. Can we still play together?”
The butterfly smiled, and her wings fluttered happily.
“Of course, little one! We can play a game of hide-and-seek among the flowers. You can look for me, but don’t try to catch me. Let’s have fun together!”
And so, Emily and the butterfly played together, laughing and chasing each other through the orchard. Emily learned a valuable lesson about respecting all living creatures, and she had a wonderful time playing with her new butterfly friend.
The author’s message:
“Hey kids! Just because we really like something, like a beautiful butterfly or a cool toy, doesn’t mean we get to keep it all to ourselves.
Sometimes, when we take something that doesn’t belong to us, it can hurt the thing itself, or the person who owns it. That’s not very kind.
Instead, we can just say, ‘Wow, I really like that!’ and be happy just looking at it or playing with it gently. We can show we care by being kind and respectful to all living things, like animals, plants, and even our friends’ toys.
Remember, it’s okay to like something without having to own it. We can just appreciate it and be kind!”
♥Zubaida Shaab♥
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