The Heartwarming Story of a Hedgehog’s Journey – stories for kids
The Heartwarming Story of a Hedgehog

The Heartwarming Story of a Hedgehog
In a small farm, there lived a little mouse named Micky. Micky was a bit chubby and loved to dream about finding friends who would love and accept him for who he was. However, all the animals on the farm loved to tease Micky and make fun of his chubby appearance.
They would always laugh and say, “You’re a fat mouse! You’re slow! You can’t run!” Micky tried to make friends with all the animals, but every time he did, he found himself surrounded by animals who wanted to tease him.
Even when Micky found another mouse named Jad and tried to become friends with him, he ended up getting teased by Jad as well. Micky started to hate his appearance and couldn’t even bear to look at himself in the water.
Things got even worse when the cats on the farm started to chase Micky, trying to eat him because he looked like a juicy, plump meal. Micky was terrified of the cats and didn’t know what to do.

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One day, Micky decided to run away from the farm and try to find a new home where he could live alone. He kept running until he found a big tree and hid underneath it.
But as Micky sat alone, he started to feel lonely. He wanted to have friends, but he was scared of getting teased again or being chased by the cats.
The Heartwarming Story of a Hedgehog with a new life

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Micky lived in hiding, only coming out to find food and then returning to his hiding spot. One day, Micky covered himself in mud, and when the mud dried, he noticed that his hair had become stronger and more prickly.
It was as if he had grown quills! Micky was excited about this new development, knowing that he could use his quills to defend himself against the cats.
From that day on, Micky didn’t have to hide from the cats anymore. They couldn’t recognize him with his new quills, and they were even scared of him.
The animals on the farm started calling Micky “Hedgehog” because of his new appearance. They were afraid of him, knowing that he could defend himself.
Micky lived proudly with his new quills, enjoying his newfound safety. However, he still felt lonely and missed having a family.
One day, while Micky was walking alone, he met a female mouse named Minnie. Minnie was going through the same problems that Micky had faced.
The animals were teasing her and calling her names, and the cats were trying to eat her because she was plump. Micky approached Minnie and reassured her, “Don’t worry, I can help you.
I can tell you how I transformed from a chubby, laughing-stock mouse to a strong hedgehog. You can do the same thing too!” Minnie followed Micky’s advice and became a hedgehog as well.
Micky was thrilled to see Minnie with her new appearance. After that, Micky and Minnie decided to start a family together.
They knew they shared the same experiences and feelings. The hedgehog family grew big, and all of them had strong quills.
They knew they could defend themselves in any way. Every night, Micky would sit with his little ones and tell them his story, advising them to love and accept themselves, no matter what.
“Be proud of who you are, and don’t let anyone make you feel otherwise,” Micky would say.
The Heartwarming Story of a Hedgehog
The Author’s Message:
“Dear children, the hedgehog is not just a mouse. I wanted to tell you this story to remind you of something important. Bullying is a terrible thing, and it’s not funny at all. On the contrary, it can make someone hate themselves or their body, or even lose their self-love and confidence. So, never make fun of each other, and always be kind and respectful.”
Zubaida Shaab
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