The Story of Bbogh a Mocking Parrot – stories for kids – Hala platform
The Story of Bbogh a Mocking Parrot
The Happy Parrot Family
There was a parrot named Bbogh who lived on a tree branch in the vast forest among various animals.
Baba Parrot had two beautiful little ones, a female parrot named Babogana and a male parrot named Bbogh. He took good care of them with his wife, Mama Parrot.
When the little ones grew up, Bbogh started flying around the forest and getting to know all the animals.
Every time Bbogh met a new animal, he would imitate its sound.
One day he would imitate the sound of a zebra, another day he would imitate the sound of a cow, and another day he would imitate the sound of a nightingale!
Mama Parrot was annoyed and angry with him and said,
“Why don’t you sing with your own voice and talk in your own style? Don’t you have your own unique creation like them?”
But little Bbogh loved animals and expressed his love for them by imitating them and making the same sounds as them.
Bbogh grew up with that habit and did not change it, despite his family’s annoyance.
When he decided to marry a female parrot named Bbogh, his mother told him,
“My son, there is no good in creatures if they are not as God created them. God created us differently, and we must love each other as we are.”
Bbogh nodded to her to indicate that he understood her advice and that he would obey her will.
The Story of Bbogh and His Wife
Bbogh married a beautiful female parrot. They lived happily together, and soon the female parrot laid a clutch of beautiful eggs.
She was very protective of her eggs, and she was always on the lookout for the snake that would slither in and steal the eggs from the birds.
Bbogh decided to play a prank on his wife. He waited until she was out looking for food, and then he imitated the sound of the snake.
The female parrot heard the sound and flew back to the nest in a panic. She landed on the nest so hard that it overturned, and the eggs fell to the ground and broke.
When the female parrot saw what had happened, she was furious. She scolded the male parrot for his foolishness, and she told him that she could no longer live with him.
She left him and flew away, and the male parrot was left alone to regret his actions.
The female parrot flew away, leaving the male parrot alone and sad about his broken eggs.
While his mother was flying around looking for food, she saw him sad and landed to look at the remorseful parrot.
The parrot told her his story, and his mother said to him, upset:
“Scaring others is not a joke, my son. You have paid a very high price for your joke.”
The parrot continued to cry sadly about his broken eggs and his wife who had left his life.
So his mother, feeling pity on him, said:
“He who imitates others lives his life without identity or personality, and those around him abandon him for fear of his mood swings and the harm he will cause them.”
The parrot understood the lesson and thought for a while. Then he climbed to the top of a tree in the forest and called out to all the animals until they gathered.
He said:
“Each of you has a voice, and my voice is an echo of your voices. So distinguish it and try to get used to it.”
The animals in the forest realized that the parrot’s voice was an echo of their own voices, and that God had created him that way. That was what made him special. So they got used to him and started to distinguish his voice.
And so the parrot began to imitate everything he heard as a way of interacting and communicating with the other animals, while retaining his own characteristics and basic nature. So they loved and respected him.
Mama Parrot convinced the female parrot to return to her husband and nest after the male parrot promised to stop scaring her.
Bbogh stopped scaring his wife, and she laid beautiful eggs again. And Bbogh lived happily ever after.
The Moral Lessons of ( The Story of Bbogh Mocking Parrot) are:
1- Imitation can rob a person of their individuality and identity, making them passive and incapable of creativity.
2- Constant imitation of other creatures is a characteristic of parrots, not humans.
3- Imitation may be a hobby, but it should not become a part of one’s character.
4- Joking by terrorizing and scaring others can have costly consequences, and because of that God has forbidden it.
The story of Bbogh is written by \ Zubaida Sha’ab
The story of Bbogh is translated by\ Amal Ahmad
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