The Story of the Peasant in the Valley of the Snakes – story for teenagers – Hala platform
The Story of the Peasant in the Valley of the Snakes
Once upon time, there was an elderly peasant lived on a hill overlooking a valley called the Valley of the Snakes.
He had a modest house and a small farm next to his own.
The farmer raised hens, donkeys and sheep on the farm, making use of sheep meat and chicken eggs, and benefiting from donkeys for transporting luggage.
He was very entertained in his work.
The valley of the snakes is a very large valley and it was named after the large number of snake dens in it.
One day, the peasant woke up to the sound of the noise on his farm.
The hens were clucking hard, the donkeys were squawking, and the sheep were squawking, too.
He picked up his gun and ran outside to see what caused all the noise, finding nothing, but that his farm door was broken and the hens were missing one!.
He looked at his white donkey and said angrily: “You must have kicked the door, one of my hens ran away because of you.
The donkey looked at him with an oppressed look, as if to tell him that he had misunderstood, but the farmer was very upset.
The Story of the Peasant on the Night of the Discovery of a Huge Snake.
The valley of the snakes was terrifying and had so many reefs that no one could go in.
One night, the peasant heard a noise on his farm, so he went out of the window and the donkeys in their stables, he closed the door on them tightly, but the hens clucked strongly and the sheep were squeezing, so he took his gun and hurried outside to find a large snake squeezing one of the hens, trying to kill her.
The peasant froze in his place because he was very afraid. Since the snake was very large, he aimed his rifle at the snake’s head cautiously, shot him and hit his head.
The peasant was able to kill the snake, but when he entered the stable, he found the three donkeys were poisoned.
The peasant realized that the donkeys had been bitten by the snake and that they were unable to escape because of the closure of the stable door.
In the morning, the three donkeys had lost one because he had died from a bite from that huge snake, and the peasant was unable to act.
The peasant was angered by what had happened, but he kept thinking all night until the devil took a control of him and threw an idea in his head.
A malicious thought came to the peasant’s mind, he smiled suddenly, then he pulled out his cover and fell asleep. In the morning, he took out his dead donkey beside the corral door and he put the dead serpent next to it.
He would tell everyone who passed by what had happened and warn them of snakes climbing heights coming from the bottom of the ravine.
The Story of the Peasant with the Deceived People of the Village.
It was only a few days later till people’s livestock and donkeys began to die dramatically and consecutively.
The news of the spread of snakes coming from the bottom of the valley spread in the village, but the strange thing is that the livestock of the villagers and their donkeys were dying while the peasant’s livestock and donkeys got increased.
Merchants from nearby villages began to go to the peasant to buy livestock from him until he became the most famous livestock trader.
He became famous and merchants used to deal with.
One day, the peasant was crossing a long trail in the village and the dogs started barking hard when they saw him.
The owner of one of the farms doubted him and tried to test him, so he called him and a strange conversation took a place between them.
“How are you, Abu Muhammad?!” the farmer asked.
“Thank God! I will go today hopefully to buy some livestock for my farm.” the peasant replied.
The peasant wiped on his beard as if he was thinking about something, and the farmer interrupted him, saying:
“What’s wrong with you, good peasant!”
The peasant said quickly, showing signs of anxiety:
“Nothing! good luck hopefully, but beware of snakes.”
The farmer smiled as he looked into the peasant’s eyes and felt him confused. Then he said:
“Don’t be afraid, snakes haven’t invaded the village in a long time.”
The Story of the Peasant with the People of his Village and the Truth’s Revealing
In the evening, a farmer forgot the door of his farm opened, so one of them sneaked into the farm and began to pour poison into the water from which the livestock drink, and suddenly the door of the corral was closed.
Men from everywhere on the farm appeared with their guns and the farmer said loudly:
“Take off his guilt, if he tries to resist, kill him.”
The thief nailed himself to his place and did not try to resist for fear of being killed.
One of the farmers approached the thief and revealed his face, and the farmer saw him. Yes, the peasant was the one who poisoned the livestock in the village to force people to buy from him.
All the men of the village gathered in the morning in front of the farm.
Farmers and everyone knew the story of the peasant and the fact that their livestock died.
The villagers asked their sage to guide them to a punishment suitable for the peasant, and the great sheikh sentenced him to hand over all his livestock to the farmers who were affected and leave the village forever.
The story of the peasant spread in the village and the peasant came out of it expelled with nothing, but his belongings and clothes, broken and exposed with what his hands had gained.

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Before leaving the village, an old woman called him and told him:
“Change yourself to change your life and don’t accept it for yourself twice.”
Then she continued on her way. The peasant remained standing there thinking about her words and realized that the land in which man does not plant good leaves him and expels him. All in all, the peasant decided to start a new page in a new land in the hope of a pure life.
Written by Zubaida Sha’ab
Translated by/ Bushra Naji
Hala platform – Stories for teenages -The Story of the Peasant in the Valley of the Snakes
Iyad Aristotle – story for children – 9-12 age – educational stories – Hala platform
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