The story of the tailor and Meshal, the owner of the ring

short story
The market was very crowded, Meshal was living with his father in a small apartment in a busy neighborhood.
The neighborhood was restless day and night, so Meshal’s father decided to move out of that apartment to a quieter and more comfortable house.
The father looked for another house but was surprised to find that house prices had skyrocketed.
He calculated his salary every day to see if he could afford to pay rent in a new house and found that his salary was not enough.
Meshal decided to look for a job to help his father, as the cost of living had increased, the house had become cramped, and the noise in the neighborhood was getting louder and louder, and they needed an extra income to support their stable life.
The next morning, Meshal ate his breakfast and then went out to look for a job, going to the shops near their house one by one.
Everyone refused to hire him because he was still too young until he found a tailor at the end of the neighborhood.
The story of the tailor and Meshal

story for teenagers
The tailor was an old man who needed someone to help him in his shop, so he asked Meshal to train him for three months without a salary and then pay him a good salary if he was excelled in his work.
Meshal agreed and started working on the same day. During his training, he found a large gold ring in the man’s desk drawer.
Meshal didn’t move it, but a phrase written on a small piece of paper caught his attention:
“Your money is not forbidden, but your end and misery are in someone else’s money!”
When he returned home, he remembered the phrase while he was eating lunch. Meshal finished his lunch and then entered his room and changed his clothes to get some rest before he started his second shift.
He got up, grabbed a pen and white cardboard and wrote the phrase in beautiful Kufic script and hung it up in his room. Then he got dressed and went to work.
The story of the tailor with Mishaal’s mother

short story
Mishaal’s mother entered the room and took the laundry basket full of clothes to wash them. Her eyes fell on the phrase hanging on Mishaal’s wall and she remembered something important that she had forgotten long ago.
She paused for a moment as if something important had jumped like a rabbit into her memory, resurrecting a scene that had been buried in oblivion.
In the evening, Meshal returned home exhausted from work, and his mother greeted him at the door, asking:
“What is the secret of that phrase you wrote and hung on your wall? “
Meshal looked at her, very tired, and answered quietly:
“I know you don’t like to hang papers on the wall, but I liked the phrase, so I hung it.”
He sat on the couch and told her the story of the tailor, the secret of the phrase and where he found it.
The father was sitting on the side, flipping channels on the TV set. He was surprised by what he heard and stopped to listen.
Suddenly the mother stood stunned and said in a soft voice as she put her palms on her cheeks,
“Now I remember ,Now I remember! ”
Everyone was surprised by her attitude and asked her what she had suddenly remembered.
The mother asked her son Meshal:
“Is the ring big with a celestial bead on it?”
Mishaal replied in astonishment:
“Yes, but how did you know?”
The mother smiled and said happily:
“I ask God’s forgiveness, it’s the scourge of forgetfulness.”
The story of the tailor and Honesty

English story
The husband marvelled at her speech and said to her with a puzzled look on his face:
“What’s it to you about money, and what’s it to you about the ring? “
She said:
“Ten years ago, I went to a tailor to sew a dress for Mishaal for Eid and when I went to the tailor to ask him about the dress, I found it ready and the tailor was preparing to travel for the Eid holiday and asked for the sewing fee, which I didn’t have in my bag at the time. But I gave him the ring and told him that when he came back from travelling, I would come to pick up my ring and pay him for sewing the dress. “
Everyone looked on in amazement at what the mother was saying, but she continued the story and said:
“The tailor jokingly told me that he would buy a sheep for Eid with the value of that ring, but I told him that his money is not forbidden, but his end and misery are in someone else’s money!”
The father looked at her quizzically and said:
” You told me it was lost, didn’t you? “
The story of the tailor and the return of justice to its rightful owners
She blushed and said with a smile:
“I had completely forgotten the story of the tailor and I checked the ring in all my closets and thought it had been lost or stolen! “
The next day he went to work and asked the old man about the meaning of that phrase, and the old man became confused and said:
“I wrote this phrase, my son, to remind myself of the danger of tampering with other people’s property.”
Then he took the ring and hid it in his pocket.
Meshal laughed and told the man what had happened the day before.
The old man felt a strange relief as he returned the trust to its owners after such a long time, and his eyes watered as he said:
“I feared that I would die before I returned the trust to its owner, and God forgave you for the price of the garment.”
Meshal kissed the old man’s head and said insistently:
“once I get my first salary from working with you, I’ll pay for the ring. “
This was a great lesson in honesty that Meshal got from that simple tailor.
Written by Yemeni writer
Zubaida Shaab
The educational objective of the tailor’s story with Meshal
1- Honesty
2- Family co-operation
3- Documenting and writing things down to avoid forgetting them
4- The importance of writing a personal diary for those who suffer from forgetfulness
Or use a sticky note as a diary
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