The story of the purple penguin

purple penguin
The Purple Penguin
In the Arctic, groups of cute penguins lived
They gathered in large numbers around the icy pools where the rare polar fish lived
The family of the penguin Bisho lived near a large pool containing many delicious fish

The Purple Penguin
Grandfather Bisho took care of his family of ten sons with their wives and children, and they went fishing together and boasted of the size of his family in front of other families

the purple penguin

the purple penguin
One day, one of the penguins gave birth to a penguin with a strange purple color

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The penguins of the region gathered around the penguin Bisho, looking at his strange grandson. Because Grandfather Bisho was always boasting of his large family, the penguins took advantage of this opportunity to ridicule him

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One of them whispered to her friend
“It is a consequence of his arrogance… Look at that funny little one”
The mayor of the penguins came after he was informed that a penguin from the Bisho family had given birth to a monster
and he asked Bisho about the truth of the news

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Bisho was afraid for his grandson that the penguins
would take him and throw him to the polar bear to eat him, so he tried to justify the color of his grandson and said
What is this nonsense, Uncle Thluji!… He is my rare and beautiful grandson and the family has made a great effort so
that one of our grandchildren would come out with that color

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Uncle Thluji was surprised by Bisho’s talk and said inquiringly
“?What effort did you exert and why”
At that time, Bisho began his fabricated story, trying to protect his grandson from the rule of the unjust tribe, saying
My sons’ wives kept digging a mountain of ice in search of a rare type of fish that gives”
“the child this wonderful color, and we have heard in the past that the purple penguin is the ruler and protector of penguin village
Uncle Thluji was silent and astonished, for he believed that no one else should rule the penguin village!
Bisho laughed and said, reassuring Uncle Thluji:
“Don’t worry, you will be his minister and he will not abandon you if he grows up”
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The story of the purple penguin
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The story of the purple penguin is written by Zubaida sha’ab
And Translated into English by Amal Ahmad
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