The Three Astronauts…The Story of the Three Heroes

A powerful nation has discovered a way to create rain clouds by detonating a massive amount of bombs on the planet Mars. This discovery seemed like a dream come true – could humans finally find another planet to live in?
Amidst the questions and doubts, three brave heroes volunteered to embark on a mission to Mars. They agreed to bombard the planet with two thousand tons of nuclear bombs from three different directions.
A mighty nation assembled a fleet of spaceships controlled remotely from Earth by an unidentified General codenamed “000.” Leading the vanguard were three spacecraft, each carrying a fearless and intrepid commander.
Each commander expertly piloted their craft, leading a squadron of remote-controlled spaceships behind them. However, controlling them from Earth proved challenging due to the vast distance. The commanders had to be within a minimum range of 2,000 kilometers. Undeterred, the three valiant heroes, Dhu’l-Fiqar, Cohen, and Bel, embarked on their daring mission.
The intrepid commanders raced against cosmic comets, piercing the veils of the universe. They set off with the hope of discovering new life or surrendering their souls to an adventure with no burial or eulogy.
The fleets arrived and surrounded the planet from three different directions. The countdown began.
The three commanders had to signal for 300 spaceships to launch tons of nuclear bombs simultaneously, followed by a swift retreat before imminent destruction
The strikes were expected to create a massive cloud that would linger for months around the planet Mars, causing rain on the blue planet. This, in turn, would initiate life on a dead planet. Because water meant plants, plants meant oxygen, and oxygen meant life suitable for humans.
Life with less gravity, on a planet far from Earth and its evils, where its inhabitants float on the surface like birds carried by gentle winds.
On the way to their mission, Cohen leaned back in his chair and envisioned the huge buildings on Mars, the swimming pools with water that never settled in their basins. He imagined himself communicating with his research center, flying like Earth’s birds, and much more.
Bel, on the other hand, imagined his life on Mars, picturing the cracked roads, the strange plants with claws and calyxes, and hybrid animals of new kinds!
Dhu’l-Fiqar, meanwhile, envisioned new life on the planet’s surface, with creatures that were neither human nor animal, beings created through gene splicing, manipulation, and injection into humans.
Each of their imaginations was as vast as a dream, as immense as the responsibility of carrying out the terrifying mission.
The Three Astronauts…The Story of the Three Heroes

After months of Earth’s time was set, the first signal from the three leaders reached the center, informing them of their approach to the blue planet. They were instructed to communicate with the leaders and give them the necessary instructions to stand at the same distance at the same time from the center of the planet.
The three leaders were sweating with fear and hope at the same time, and the moment of truth arrived.
Three… two… one…go
Huge, terrifying capsules launched from those spaceships at the same time, cutting their way through space at the same speed. They were heading towards the planet at breakneck speed, while the three leaders were retreating at the same speed, fearing the worst. The nuclear bombs hit at the same moment, thousands of tons on that planet from three directions.
A huge toxic cloud formed, and the natural glow spread throughout the universe until the inhabitants of Earth could see the burning glow from the astronomical observatories. And after three months, the first signal of the leaders’ ships approaching arrived. The leaders arrived and landed, looking extremely emaciated. One of them( Bel) was suffering from such bone fragility that he hardly stood.
They had been treated and cared for weeks. During their stay in adjoining hospital rooms, they would gather at night to recall the horror they had witnessed, the glow that spread throughout the dark corners of the universe as if it were the Day of Judgment! As they were talking, a nurse entered with a cell phone and stormed into the room, frightened.
– General 000 wants to talk to you immediately.
– Really? Okay.
Cohen rushes towards a large electronic screen in the room and turns it on using a chip that was hidden under his pillow in a small box. A man with an evil face, a hooked nose, and one eye missing appears on the screen as if his eye is a floating grape, frightening in appearance:
How are you today, the three heroes of the Earth?
– In good health, General?
– Are you ready for the second phase?
– And is it time, General..!! His terrifying image becomes distorted as if it were the image of a possessed demon, he stares at Bel’s face for a long time, then says: have you lost your mind, Bel?
– I didn’t mean to, sir. But the study says… The general interrupts Bel with decisive words, the words of a person who has made up his mind:
– Don’t worry, Bel. This is none of your business.

It was the dawn of the following day and the three heroes were shivering because of the cold at the space vehicle launch base, waiting for the base guards and senior generals to give the order to launch. The next mission was to land on Mars, and the effects of the radiation had not yet worn off.
This was the risk itself. They had to make sure it rained on it. They had to study the possibility of life on the planet themselves by landing and trying to live! The huge vehicle took off, carrying in its corners a huge amount of oxygen enough for ten years and a fully equipped kitchen with the latest nutrition technology.
There are also rooms for sleeping, tools for play and entertainment, as well as sports. It also had a swimming pool equipped with heating technology, as well as luxurious sitting rooms and large, luxurious bathrooms.
The ship set off with three chaotic adventurers, their hope for a new life or a death that would end their distant hopes. They fixed their targets on the locations of the stars and found them to be very close to their high ambition.
That huge ship takes off, carrying three people, and the strongest thing of them is their thoughts. They fought the depths of the universe and the crashing waves of space.
They raced the comets, neither ahead of them nor catching up to them. Thus, the man was the one with the effective authority and the power that treat existence to tame it, subdue it, and exploit it, or perish without doing so.
Months between the nebula of the unknown, they headed towards the new hope, and their goal was that distant planet. Their steel ship landed on the rocks of that planet, stricken by science crime, and pollution.
The Three Astronauts…The Story of the Three Heroes

novels and stories
Cohen, the Jewish young man, stepped onto the surface of the planet and rushed to take a picture of the first foot touching the planet as documentation for history, an argument, and a manifestation of sterile debate.
The effect of the residual radiation was strong, but they did not find time to make sure of anything, as fatigue took hold of them and exhaustion took over their bodies, exhausted from air pressure and crossing distances.
They turned in every direction but found only the sound of the wind echoing like jinn melodies in a barren and desolate land.
“Is it conceivable that we will find water here?”
Cohen is questioning the success of the mission, but the glimmer of hope shone in his eyes, so he reconsidered his words, laughing:
“I am like a donkey who looks only at the place of his feet”.
They walked a long distance, and then Bel, the Christian young man, called out.
“What do you think about using the explorer?”
Dhu al-Fuqar, the Muslim young man, interrupted him in a mocking tone, his mouth dry from thirst and his limbs wrinkled from dryness and cold:
“You must have lost your mind, do you know how much fuel we have?”
The three decided to return until the morning, they did not know when it would come and when it would end after that, but they were terrified of a certain death without any rescuer on the surface of true exile.
When they entered the ship, Dhu al-Fuqar rushed towards the electronic heater that converts gas atoms spread on the surface of Mars into electrical energy and turned it on, muttering:
“Is there any hope or is it the end?”
Bel sat down and began to secure himself to his bed for fear of flying while sleeping and hitting something, repeating sadly:
-What a misery that brought us to this regrettable fate! The long days conspired, and the three do not know when the days begin and when they end; there is no difference between time and place, and the feeling of boredom is killing them. Cohen’s skin begins to redden gradually and then he bursts into tears.
Dhu al-Fuqar approached him and slapped him hard, trying to strengthen his resolve in his rough way:
“We agreed not to weaken and not to know despair. We agreed not to be cowardly and not to cry like children.”
Cohen looked at him and said, wiping the tears from his eyes that looked red like the eyes of an alien creature:
-“I miss my wife… I miss my children..!”
-“Yes, this is the real nightmare, that despair will afflict us and convince us to surrender and fear kills us before death!”
Bel and Cohen turned their frustrated gazes towards Dhu al-Fuqar as if his words were breathing life into their bodies that were intoxicated with the sweetness of surrender to death.
He continued his talk:
“Who among you would have believed that his foot would set foot on the surface of Mars? Who dreamed of swimming in the kingdom of God!”
He rushed towards the kitchen, swimming and flailing his body around the vehicle. He began to sing: “Who among you dreamed of competing with the angels and the jinn and the celestial bodies… in existence and prostration on the stones of space…”
He continued to repeat his song until his companions smiled and rose from their beds, undoing their restraints, and prepared to dance as if they had decided to die happily instead of a death of humiliation and sorrow.
Their skin was burning from the lasting effects of the nuclear radiation on the surface of Mars, but their will had become stronger than any radiation at all. They applied ointments, prepared dinner, and ate until they were full.
And then, the vibrations of a communication call echoed through the communication screen between them and Earth. They rushed to that devil 000 to begin giving them the necessary instructions to know what they should do on this planet, empty of sound, empty of the mumblings of the servants, empty of temples.”
“The planet’s lack of church bells reverberated, and hymns of mosques echoed. They tried to speak with him more as if they were the child who was longing for his mother’s voice. But he spoke only a few words before disappearing:
‘You must find a way to live on Mars, or else die there. Earth does not need useless adventurers”.

Cohen screamed, and he began to pummel the steel walls around him in bewilderment at Dhu al-Fuqar and Bel. Bel approached with slow, steady steps, like a Merkava tank unmoved by the clamor of gunfire, and held Cohen, offering comfort and whispering, ‘For them
– we were mere lab rats”.
Dhu al-Fuqar sat down dizzy, with eyes wide open as if someone had pried his eyelids apart. He was trying to swallow the bitter truth, trying to believe what was happening:
‘If we survive, our lives and achievements are for them. And if we die, we are like those who don’t deserve to live.’
Bell replied, his voice hoarse with emotion, his head bowed in shock:
“Let us live until our skins are worn thin and we are no more. Let us laugh a lot. Let us pray like birds”.
The Three Astronauts…The Story of the Three Heroes

short novel
And so, each took a corner of the spacecraft and wept, lamenting the sorrowful soul that had, with its intelligence, dug a foolish trap into which they had thrown their lives.
After a long period of crying, the weak Cohen began to comfort his brothers. The Muslim, Dhi al-Fiqar, the young Jewish man, Cohen, and the Christian Bel had finally swallowed the bitter pill. The three resigned themselves to reality and boarded the exploration vehicle to orbit the planet, carrying a chemical substance to test the fertility of the soil in several areas on Mars.
They engaged in casual conversation among themselves:
– “If we had known that our fate was to be imprisoned on this planet, we wouldn’t have bombed it…”
-“Ha! At least we would have lived on it without the effects of this deadly radiation!”
-“Yes, and we would have completed our lives here peacefully until the oxygen tubes ran out and we died like fish out of water.”
The three continued to comfort themselves with old, worn-out jokes, in any case, they laughed! they knew they only had enough supplies to live for ten Earth years. It was then that they realized why all that preparation from General’s lab 000 had been necessary.
The three lived a difficult life, despite their spaceship that looked like a palace, as they couldn’t do without oxygen tubes outside for even a moment on the surface of that planet.
They tried to plant their seeds and water them with the water in their large swimming pool, but in vain. Life on Mars was a life that required no effort other than counting down the remaining days of their miserable lives.
The three thought all night long after they had exhausted all the topics they could talk about. The Muslim pondered how to end his miserable life as a martyr for science. He thought long and hard but couldn’t find a way to earn a reward.
There were no poor people here to give charity to, no family to connect with, no wife and children to care for, and no birds to water! “He remembered every wrong he had committed, his cruelty to his children, his disobedience to his father, and his rebellion against his parents.
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